Our Programmes
"Education is the most powerful weapon which you can use to change the world". Nelson Mandela
Little Chicks
Our Little Chicks room caters for children aged 0-2 years. We are very passionate about our work and strive to provide the best for our babies and families. Our philosophy and approach are based on the model of the Resources for Infant Educarers (RIE) approach, the work of Magda Gerber and Emmi Pikler.
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Tui Group
Our Tui Group caters for children aged 2-3.5 years. We are passionate about building secure and respectful relationships with our children based on a foundation of love and care.
The teachers responsible for the care and learning for your children are Padma, Kath, Rose and Nicola. When your child joins the Tui group one of these teachers will support your child’s transition into this group. This means that they will be there to provide emotional support, comfort, security to ease your child into the Over 2s environment. We work closely alongside the children transitioning from the Little Chicks room and those new children entering the centre who have turned 2 and come directly into the Tui group.
A large part of our day revolves around caregiving rituals where we encourage children to be active participants. We inform children about each part of their day so that they know what is going to happen next. During these times there is flexibility depending on how each child is feeling.
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Kiwi Group
In our kiwi group programme children are still free to choose their own area of play, however, we do encourage our kiwi children to build on their own individual interests as we believe that child-led learning is extremely important and is key to developing a love for learning.
Interests usually begin with one or two children but as the investigation develops more children are drawn into these learning journeys. Individual children will take from these experiences their own learning aspects and we encourage and value this unique learning.
Throughout any learning journey many aspects of the curriculum will be covered including........
Literacy– as they research new information and translate it into their own understanding—be it through written work, signs, posters or symbols.
Mathematics– Including counting, grouping, shapes, using tools or finding and identifying numbers.
Learning journeys provide for children the opportunity to openly discuss their own ideas, knowledge and aspirations.
What we find is through shared interests children develop friendships with their peers, learn to express feelings, make contributions to discussions, take ownership for individual and group learning, take turns, independently problem solve, listen to others and respect one another.
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